
Monday, November 13, 2006

OUCH! Needle time

Charlotte had her 12 month needles today. She was such a champ, cried for about a minute and then was fine again, smiling at the doctor. Got her home and she had a sleep but woke up quite warm so we decided to get out and about and she seems much better once we picked Izaak up and she had her playmate home again!

My girl is certainly growing up fast!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The old man must be snoring because....

it's raining... it's pouring

What a funny day! One minute its pouring with rain, the next the sun is shining. It's really strange. Great for the garden though.

Aden is here for the day today. Whinging again today so we went around and borrowed Amelia's swing from around the corner. He hasn't been in there yet, we got home and I gave him a bottle and put him to bed.

Both mine are wonderful again today, I really am blessed with great kids. They entertain themselves when they have to, get along well together and don't whinge!

Need to get sewing this afternoon to finish my spring swap pressie and get it off to the postoffice in the morning after buddha goes to school.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My 2 angels

For the first time ever Izaak asked me if he could sleep in Charlottes room with her. I told him that she will cry through the night and wake him up etc etc but he was adament that he wanted to share with her so I pulled the matress of his bed and made it up on the floor next to her cot thinking that was where he wanted it and proceeded to put them into bed - one in the cot and one on the floor.

Charlotte finished her bottle and I could hear her giggling away so I went in to check on them and they were playing hide and seek under the blankets. Izaak wanted Charlie to sleep on his matress with him so I let them thinking that they would never fall asleep.

I was wrong.... My two little angels....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Birthday to you......

Miss Charlotte.... Happy Birthday to you!

I can't believe it but Charlotte is one. It is really scary just how fast this past 12 months has been. We planned a party but it was a bit of a flop due to low numbers and the most amount of rain that Canberra has had in MONTHS falling while we were partying in the park. Still, we had a nice time and got some great photos of Charlotte and her friends.

Marco & Rita, Charlie & Meaghann and Blake & Sandy all came along to the party which was really nice. Got some great photos of the kids. They were all so good as well which was great. Charlotte seemed to be really amazed by the rain which is understandable, I don't think that she'd seen rain like that before in her life. All the bubs were the same really, Charlie even crawled right out into it!! This is Charlotte's little friend Marco....

That night we had a family dinner which was nice. BBQ and lots of finger food. Mum, Dad, Tania, Aden and Nanna were all here so it was great to have the whole family together. The night went well too with Nanna and Dad which I was really worried about. I'm glad that they all got over their diferences for one night for their great and grand-daughter.

She got spoilted with pressies from everyone - Swarovski crystal from nanna, charms from mum and dad, mobile from them as well, snow globe from Tan, book from Izaak and a new bangle from Simon and I.

And just 3 days later something amazing happened... SHE CUT HER FIRST TOOTH!!!! Very exciting event for us. It's still not through properly yet but you can see and feel the top of it and I'm fairly sure that the one next to it is on its way as well because you can feel it coming. So she cried all the way from Newcastle to home with a sore mouth. She's been a bit on and off since then but settles with Bonjella so I'm not too worried. She hasn't had any temps or anything either so it seems that all is good in the teething department.